Exhibition |部屋の中の100倍の世界
仮に建築を、既にある世界に引く1本の線とするなら、この小さな部屋にも十分に多様な世界は存在しているのではないか。冷蔵庫を開くと そこにある卵や氷は、限りない魅力を湛えた極小の構造物に見えました。
使い慣れた「縮尺」で自分自身を1/100の大きさに見立てる。100倍にひろがった世界の観察と、そこに書き足された線としての建築群 による、小さくて大きな世界へようこそ。
会場:花園アレイ The 5th Floor 東京都台東区池之端 3-3-9
会期:2021/03/27-2021/04/11 am12:00-pm18:00
新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大予防の為、以下の点にご留意ください。 ・マスクを必ずご着用の上でご来場ください。なお、マスクのご着用がないお客様及びフェイスシールド、マウスシールドのみご着用のお客様のご入場はお断りさせていただく場合がございます。
A world 100 times the size of the room
Spring 2020.
Under the unprecedented situation with global COVID-19, we at Hideyuki Nakayama Laboratory, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts were no exceptions but started the year with no time for face-to-face seminars or field surveys for research.
This is a year-long production record of three first-year master’s students from different schools.
When we had to spend most of our time in a small room where we lived alone, we thought about the architectural imagination that begins there.
If we think of architecture as a line drawn through a world that already exists, then there is a wide variety of worlds in this small room.
Wouldn’t there be?
When I opened the refrigerator, the eggs and ice in there looked like minuscule structures of endless fascination!
Using the familiar “scale,” I see myself as 1/100th the size.
Welcome to the small and big world by observing the world enlarged 100 times and the architecture as lines added to it.
place:Hanazono Alley The 5th Floor 3-3-9 Ikenohata Taito-ku Tokyo 110-0008
date:2021/03/27-2021/04/11 am12:00-pm18:00
Please make a reservation in advance at the following URL.